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The difference between instant coffee, drip coffee, and freshly ground coffee?
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The difference between instant coffee, drip coffee, and freshly ground coffee?

Release Date:2022-11-29 15:42:29 Views Frequency:541

The difference between instant coffee, drip coffee, and freshly ground coffee?

High Speed Drip Coffee Bag Packaging Machine

If you choose the wrong coffee for a long time, your chances of gaining weight will increase. Let me introduce the advantages and disadvantages of different coffees

Instant coffee: The main raw materials are coffee powder and coffee extract. Coffee powder generally has extraction spray drying method and freeze-drying method. Freeze-drying coffee powder is better

Advantages: One of the biggest features is that it is easy to carry and ready to drink.

Disadvantages: There is no flavor, so don’t talk about flavor when drinking instant, basically it’s a function of portability and functionality.

instant coffee drink

The professional field of instant coffee is called instant beverage. Its subject is beverage. It is a kind of drink. Its main raw materials are food additives such as instant coffee, sugar and non-dairy creamer.

This kind of coffee is not undrinkable, it is recommended to drink less.

Drip coffee: the main raw material is coffee beans, some coffee beans will be added in front

Advantages: easy to carry, easy to brew, has a certain operability, brews better, and has a certain flavor retention. It is recommended to control the brewing powder water ratio of hanging ear coffee at 1:12~15.

Disadvantages: It is not as good as freshly ground coffee, and its flavor is lost to a certain extent.

Freshly ground coffee:

Advantages: fresh extraction, outstanding flavor, and a strong drinking experience.

Disadvantages: There are certain requirements for production technology and equipment

drip coffee bag packing machine

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